Saturday, December 23, 2017

2017 is the year blockbusters lost their faith in humanity


To hear the movies tell it, it’s always the end of the world.

Every few weeks, another existential threat drops into the multiplex, usually via sky portal, promising certain doom unless an “unlikely” hero steps up to stop it. Almost without fail, he (and it’s usually a he) succeeds. Crisis is averted, tears turn to cheers, and mankind is safe for another day.

Lately, though, the formula’s started to shift. In 2017, our blockbusters didn’t just ask if humankind could be saved. They started asking whether humankind was worth saving to begin with. Read more…

War for the Planet of the Apes had us rooting against ourselves

More about Movies, Wonder Woman, Blade Runner 2049, Alien Covenant, and War For The Planet Of The Apes
Originally syndicated from 2017 is the year blockbusters lost their faith in humanity

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