Thursday, December 28, 2017

‘Doctor Who’ star Peter Capaldi sends beautiful letter to kid worried about regeneration


It’s always sad when your favourite Doctor leaves the show to make way for a newly-regenerated Time Lord. But they’re never really gone, are they? And it always works out best for Dr. Who.

That’s the advice that one distraught young Peter Capaldi fan received from the man himself, handwritten with a custom picture of a Dalek. 

Dad Brian McGilloway tweeted pictures of the letter Capaldi sent to his 9-year-old son David, who was worried about his favourite Doctor leaving the show. Dr. Who regenerated this Christmas and will now be played by Jodie Whittaker, the show’s first woman Doctor. Read more…

More about Twitter, Uk, Kids, Doctor Who, and Peter Capaldi
Originally syndicated from ‘Doctor Who’ star Peter Capaldi sends beautiful letter to kid worried about regeneration

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