Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trans and non-binary fitness trainers are building tiny empires — on Instagram


Before Ilya Parker could start his gender transition and begin the next, long-awaited phase of his life, his doctor gave him a miserable prescription. 

Parker would have to “loose at least 50 pounds” before he could even think about hormone replacement therapy, which would help him transition to a more masculine physique.

Fifty pounds is high bar for anyone to meet, but it was a particular obstacle for Parker who, at the time of his transition, was struggling with severe depression and body dysmorphia. Living in the rural South, he didn’t have a trans-friendly gym nearby. Parker hired several different personal trainers, but they only wanted to “reinforce” traditional gendered fitness aesthetics. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Instagram, Fitness, Transgender, and Non Binary
Originally syndicated from Trans and non-binary fitness trainers are building tiny empires — on Instagram

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